Home Repair Program
Through the Home Repair Program, assistance is provided to applicants who meet the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) mandated low and moderate-income standards. Determination of eligibility is based on the total gross annual household income based on household size in accordance with HUD's income standards.
- You MUST BE a resident of Monmouth County for 1 YEAR before applying for the Home Repair Program.
Eligible Units:
- Owner occupied dwelling units only.
- For a duplex unit, only the owner occupied unit is eligible (except for shared common appurtenances; such as a roof or heating unit).
- The home must be the primary residence of the owner.
Ineligible Units:
- Second homes, investment properties and/or vacation homes and the like are excluded.
- Units are not eligible for improvement if they are listed or advertised “for Sale” or “under contract” for sale.
- ALL applicants must complete an application and review the instructions and information below.
- Mail completed applications to:
Monmouth County Planning- Office of Community Development
Hall of Records Annex 2nd Floor
1 East Main Street
Freehold NJ 07728