Strategic and Long Range Planning

The Strategic and Long Range Planning section advocates a holistic approach to planning helps decision-makers guide public investment in support of economic development, while balancing of current and future investments.  The section imparts a logical synthesis between planning at various levels of government and coordinated implementation when aligning regional planning efforts with local land use and zoning.  Demographic data and analysis is a supportive component of regional planning studies identifying development trends and creating projections used to evaluate public policy and investment decisions.  By providing research and planning assistance to integration of regional planning studies through a clearer alignment of state, regional, and local planning efforts, public policies and investments are promoted.

The Strategic and Long Range Planning section develops, prepares and amends  land use studies and regional plans, planning strategies and policies; reviews and records municipal master plans, master plan elements, and zoning ordinances in accordance with Municipal Land Use Law and the County Enabling Act; coordinate with state agencies, county partners, municipal officials and stakeholders with providing demographic analysis and  technical assistance for regional planning and implementation recommendations; updates County demographic and economic statistics  and reports development trends and patterns; and provides the public with a professional response to inquiries, questions, and requests for information.

Additional Information:

2018 National Planning Conference Presentation: "Arts and Resilience

2016 Monmouth County Master Plan

Regional Plans:

Technical Assistance Outreach Brochures for Municipal Planning:

Scenic Byways Program:

Victor Furmanec, P.P., A.I.C.P., Supervising Planner
Kyle DeGroot, Senior Planner
Jason Pene Jr., Assistant Planner

Phone: 732-431-7460     Fax: 732-409-7540

Page Last Updated: 1/29/2024 11:57:00 AM

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