Division of Workforce Development

The Division of Workforce Development, is where people of all walks of life and income levels can get help finding a job - whether it be retraining or simply advice on writing a resume.

Training is available for those who are unemployed and career counselors can help people who already have a job find a better job. On any given day you will find people using the Learning Link, a room with computers where they can do online training to brush up on their computer skills, reading, math skills or get other tutoring. They can even work toward their GED.

Front doors of the Workforce Development Board 

The Division of Workforce Development, overseen by the Workforce Development Board (WDB), is comprised of 26 employees, all of whom are working there under grants.

American Job Center locations are: 

  • 17 Christopher Way, Eatontown 
  • 60 Taylor Avenue, Neptune

The WDB oversees the disbursement of all state and federal money that comes into Monmouth County for workforce activities.

Front of the Workforce Development Board buildingThe division also provides services to youth and has two youth counselors. The counselors manage contracts with various schools and nonprofits that work with young people to attain their GED or get the training they need find employment.

Another staff person works with Workforce New Jersey and helps Social Services clients such as those enrolled in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), which provides housing assistance while attempting to find jobs so the clients no longer require assistance.

One of the biggest roles this Division plays is being visible and working closely with the business community. The WDB is comprised of members,  a majority of whom are business people representing various businesses or trades throughout the County. The Division of Workforce Development helps businesses on a daily basis match jobs with jobseekers.

This Division provides space for businesses to hold meetings. Through Career Connect, the division also hosts weekly seminars on Wednesdays that include such topics as resume writing, unemployment, and how to use social media for job searches.  

Finally, the Division of Workforce Development holds job fairs. Typically, the WDB board and the Board of County Commissioners partner with the state Department of Labor and Workforce Development, the Monmouth-Ocean Development Council, Brookdale Community College and the New Jersey Association of Human Resources, all of which add something different. In order to participate businesses must have salaried positions available.

For more information on the WDB board, the Division of Workforce Development and the American Job Center, call 732-683-8850 ext 6011. 


Clients receive training with instructors 
 Contact the Division of Workforce Development



Monmouth County Workforce Development Board Local Area Plan  

Monmouth County Regional Plan for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

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