Monmouth County Information Technology Services

The Monmouth County Information Technology Services (MCITS) Department provides valuable shared services technical assistance, training courses and other advisory services to Monmouth departments, agencies, school boards and municipalities.

Through the elimination of duplicating services and the sharing of existing county technical staff and resources, Monmouth taxpayers are able to access highly trained, skilled and technical personnel to assist in the delivery of informational technology services to constituents at a greatly reduced cost.

Some areas of shared services assistance provided through the department include:

Network Operations and ORM:

Monmouth County Information Technology Services houses the servers for the RIM (Records Information Management) project that supports imaging for all our county municipalities. The ORM division supports the municipalities with training and guidance. Through Paris Grants, they provide funding for projects and equipment necessary to facilitate projects, passing along major cost savings to municipalities and school boards.

VIC: Voice, Infrastructure, and Cabling

Monmouth County Information Technology provides support for the County Library systems directly and indirectly. Assistance is provided specifically to the 8-12 municipal libraries. This effort saves countless technical assistance and administrative hours which is delivered back to the towns and their taxpaying families.

Document Services (Administered through the Public Information Office)

Monmouth County provides document services to the following entities:

New Jersey Association of Counties (NJAC)
1. Directory of County Officials
2. Annual Conference Mailer
3. Desk of Pads (only printed once)

United Way of Monmouth County
1. Annual Charitable Campaign Booklet

Application Development Support Services

Monmouth County Information Technology supports the following Application Systems:


Mosquito Commission -Web, Paychecks/Timekeeping
Library Commission -Paychecks/Timekeeping
Supt. of Schools -Web, Paychecks/Timekeeping
Supt. of Elections -Web, Paychecks/Timekeeping and Elections
Board of Elections -Web, Paychecks/Timekeeping and Elections
Board of Health -Web, Paychecks/Timekeeping
Construction Board of Appeals -Web, Paychecks/Timekeeping
Extension Services -Web, Paychecks/Timekeeping
Improvement Authority -Web, Paychecks/Timekeeping
Belford Ferry -Web, Paychecks/Timekeeping

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