9-1-1 and Dispatch Services

The program is administered through the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office.

This shared service provides 9-1-1, emergency, police and fire dispatch at a greatly reduced cost to Monmouth municipalities through reducing duplication of services, personnel and equipment.

One Monmouth County municipality recently estimated cost savings of over $600,000 per year by switching to the county Sheriff shared service dispatch system.

Municipalities may take advantage of accessing the Sheriff’s office highly trained, experienced and time tested dispatch system through the shared service initiative. Currently, 45 Monmouth municipalities, two military facilities, nine police departments, 30 fire departments and 22 first aid squads utilize this valuable and cost efficient shared service. In addition, back up services are provided to 14 agencies through the county. 

Click here to access the Sheriff's Office website.

For further assistance, contact The Office of Shared Services by phone at 732-431-7460, ext. 2115 or by email sharedservices@co.monmouth.nj.us.

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