Professional Staff
The main phone number is 732-431-7810. Please see the individual extensions below for all professional and support staff.
Dr. Lester W. Richens - Interim Executive County Superintendent of Schools
Oversees the districts in the county in regard to their success in maintaining compliance with State and Federal regulations and heads the county staff of professional and non-professional persons.
- Secretary: Hatice Hansen, ext. 7817
Cindy Barr-Rague - Executive County Business Official
Coordinates all county school districts budget preparation, financial management, facilities and transportation. Acts as liaison of New Jersey Department of Education.
- Secretary - Hatice Hansen ext. 7817 and Olga Gerace, ext. 7828
Deborah Bleisnick - County Educational Specialist
Coordinates and assists districts with meeting federal and state policy regulations. Provides direction and guidance to districts regarding all academic, assessment, and evaluation initiatives. Provides assistance interpreting various procedural guidelines, and assisting in the fiscal and program planning process for academic programs.
- Secretary: Harleen Gill ext. 7823
Randy Flaum - County Special Education Specialist
Assures compliance with State and Federal Law for educationally disabled students within local school districts and private schools assigned.
- Secretary: Harleen Gill ext. 7823
County Certification Officer - Donna Pesci ext. 7825
County Transportation Coordinator - Olga Gerace ext. 7828