Millstone – Stage Coach Road (CR 524), Millstone Road (CR 571), and Paint Island Spring Road
Monmouth County is proposing improvements to the five legged intersection of Stage Coach Road (CR 524), Millstone Road (CR 571), and Paint Island Spring Road in Millstone Township. The County proposes is to construct a single lane roundabout at this location in order to better facilitate the vehicular traffic and improve the overall safety of the intersection.
The proposed improvements at the intersection were initially designed as a conventional four legged signalized intersection with Paint Island Spring Road being realigned to form a new intersection with County Route 524 to the east. Subsequent to meetings with Millstone Township, it was determined that a roundabout would be more appropriate and a safer alternative to the proposed signal for this intersection.
On March 29, 2017, Monmouth County, in cooperation with the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority, will be hosting a Public Information meeting to inform local residents, officials, business and the general public of the intersection safety improvement project at this intersection.
The purpose of the meeting is to provide information about the project and to solicit input and comments on the proposed improvements. County engineering staff, an NJTPA representative and the consulting design engineer will be available to answer questions.
Written comments will be accepted through Friday, April 14, 2017. Comments may be submitted by email, fax or mail to:
Robert Strang-Wolf, P.E. Project Manager
Monmouth County Division of Engineering & Traffic Safety
Hall of Records Annex, 3rd Floor
1 East Main Street
View Public Information Meeting Notice (PDF)
Page Last Updated: 3/17/2017 11:18:00 AM