Welcome to the Office of the Director of Public Works and Engineering

Our office is located at
250 Center Street, Freehold, NJ 07728
Telephone: 732-683-8758
Fax: 732-462-1863
John Tobia, Director

A Word From the Director 

As the Director of Monmouth County Public Works and Engineering (MCDPW), it is my honor to welcome you to our website.  As you explore our site, you will find that the MCDPW is an innovative and progressive Division, overseeing various departments and faculties to ensure that quality services are provided to the Monmouth County community.  MCDPW oversees the Belford Ferry Terminal, the Divisions of Bridge, Engineering, Fleet Services, Buildings and Grounds, Highway, and Highway Inspections.  Monmouth County Reclamation Center and the Shade Tree Division also fall under the responsibility of MCDPW. 
The MCDPW continues to improve productivity, reduce operating costs and increase efficiency as a result of enhancing established programs and introducing new policies and procedures. The personnel of the department are dedicated to performing existing and new responsibilities in a professional and efficient manner.
Some of the significant areas of achievement are the utilization of dedicated construction and paving crews to reduce the use of outside contractors, performing more capital projects in-house, developing engineering designs in-house to reduce consulting costs, continuing to conduct the County auction on-line twice a year, vehicle fleet review, review of permit fees, enhancing the in-house recycling program, and continued use of magnesium chloride treated salt which is the only deicing product to earn the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) distinguished “Design for the Environment” designation.
The MCDPW continues to be active in the Municipal Assistance/Shared Services Program. The County offers the use of the two vehicle wash stations at the Reclamation Center and at the Public Works Complex, along with fleet maintenance, and many other shared services to increase quality and reduce taxpayer funded costs. These programs not only generated a positive response from the municipalities, but have fostered many partnerships and generated additional revenue for the County. The Shared Service Program has saved the municipalities, collectively, approximately one million dollars per year.
On behalf of the entire Department of Public Works and Engineering, I would like to thank the Board of County Commissioners as well as County Administrator Teri O'Connor, and the entire Monmouth County community for their continued support so that we may further provide outstanding services to Monmouth County residents.

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