Human Services Building
3000 Kozloski Road
Freehold, NJ 07728
Telephone: 732-431-7991
Fax: 732-431-7847

Business hours:
Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

The Information Technology Service Department is driven to implement efficient services within the County that will reduce redundancy and waste and provide support and the technical tools to fulfill our commitment. To meet our goals and business needs we continue to develop technology that delivers secure, efficient and fiscally responsible applications for the County to meet its organizational requirements. MCITS ensures that information is available and is shared and dispersed throughout the County quickly, efficiently and accurately. MCITS interfaces with multiple County agencies improving organizational flow by understanding their unique business models. Monmouth’s agency needs are met with planning, implementation and managing the best technology solutions available.

Using the Monmouth County Strategic Plan, for guidance and direction, the Monmouth County Information Technology Services (MCITS) Department has set our goals to improve public communication and information about county services and how to access them. MCITS has recognized the strategic value of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and in these difficult times we have focused on leveraging our ICT investments to improve services across all aspects of government services. The MCITS Department has reduced reliance on outside vendors to enhance the County’s digital infrastructure by developing more in house technical solutions, and along with upgrading our training programs so we can deal with issues quickly and more efficiently. Our County network goal was to build a redundant flexible fiber network for data access and improved service and to take the next steps toward full network redundancy to major County sites. The ‘fiber/ring closure’ project provided completion for redundancy with the 35 miles of campus fiber currently in use. MCITS has built a live DR site which is now functioning to maintain infrastructure and protect data.

The County of Monmouth's Strategic goal for the website is to inform the public on recent events. We continue to engage the public so they have more and easier access to local government and that they can become more involved with the officials they have elected. The website, developed internally, has the most popular links, including links to Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, and Flickr, is kept up to date by the County’s Public Information Office. MCITS has built our own home-grown Content Management System (CMS), which has saved the County thousands of dollars in initial purchase and maintenance, versus vendor supplied solutions.

We have strived to improve and modernize county government operations – including internal communication, technology and information management, consolidation of select administrative functions and consistent human resource management. We have also transitioned the use of virtual hosting, SAN for central storage, and repurposed other servers and blades. MCITS was able to virtualize a qualifying segment of supported servers with consideration to the following business goal: Reduction in both short term and long term TCO (Total Cost of Ownership). Some benefits of our initiatives include:

  • Timely and efficient deployment of servers.
  • Increased life span of server hardware.
  • A highly redundant 24/7 hardware environment.
  • Scalable environment for future growth.

To summarize MCITS has committed its resources to provide electronic and communication support for County departments with solid infrastructure, and secure and reliable networks.

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