#2014-0201 establishing the Monmouth County CRS Assistance Program including
program guidelines for municipalities. Under these guidelines,
municipalities may seek technical assistance as it relates to a specific CRS
activity identified by the NFIP CRS Coordinator’s Manual. Although the County
is assisting municipalities with their individual activities, the County is not
responsible for managing municipal CRS programs. Once a municipality receives
its initial CRS classification from ISO (Insurance Services Office), they are
responsible for continuing to implement their credited activities in order to
keep, maintain, and improve upon their classification.
The County also facilitates a
quarterly CRS User Group that is open to all municipalities whether they are
already in the NFIP CRS program or wish to learn more about the CRS program.
These meetings provide towns an opportunity to discuss their approaches and
action steps with one another. It also provides a regional forum for discussion
about common obstacles that confront program implementation. This tool has
proven to be a valuable peer mentoring experience as some of the more advanced
towns often provide recommendations or give their insight to towns that are
just starting in the CRS program. It also provides towns an opportunity to ask
specific questions about the CRS program which the County can then take
directly to the State, ISO or third party representatives such as the New Jersey Association for Floodplain Management. In order
to accommodate towns between meetings, the County has developed this CRS
program web page that functions as an information portal with links to CRS
resources as a “go to” place for all things CRS including a dedicated e-mail,, to
directly submit information or questions.
The goals of the Monmouth County Community Rating System Program are to:
- Encourage municipal participation in the CRS;
- Increase the number of towns participating in the CRS program that may not have the technical capability, personnel or financial capacity to do so without program support;
- Leverage efficiencies of scale that result in a cost effective, shared service by providing towns with baseline data, information, and mapping services;
- Increase the number of buildings and structures covered in the CRS program;
- Lower cost for NFIP policy holders (residents and business owners) in special flood hazard areas;
- Promote mitigation preparedness and activities in special flood hazard areas;
- Assist towns in the preparation of their floodplain management plans and ordinances
- Provide peer support and access to professional assistance from County, state, and federal agencies through the User Group.
Become CRS Ready