Food Assistance
"Your Needs Are Our Concern"
NJ Human Services Implements $50 SNAP Minimum Benefits as SNAP Federal Emergency Allotments Set to Expire in February
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Stamp Program is intended to increase the nutritional purchasing power of low-income or other needy families. Families or individuals may be eligible if they:
- Work for low wages
- Are unemployed or work part-time
- Receive Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF), General Assistance (GA), or other public assistance payments
- Are elderly or disabled and live on a small income and do not have more than $2,000.00 in savings and other resources ($3,000.00 for households with at least one individual age 60 or older).
The amount of benefits are based on the thrifty Food Plan, which is an estimate of how much it costs to buy food to prepare nutritious low-cost meals.
Under supervision of USDA's Food and Nutrition Service, state public assistance agencies run their program through their local county offices. The Monmouth County Division of Social Services administers The Food Stamp Program for residents of Monmouth County.
In New Jersey, Food Stamp program benefits are provided through electronic benefits transfer by using a plastic Families First card, which is similar to a credit card. The card can be used at ATM machines and at the point of sale in a food store.
Further information is available at the web site of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA):
The School Breakfast Program and the National School Lunch Programs are programs of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). In New Jersey, both programs are administered by the Bureau of Child Nutrition Programs of the New Jersey Department of Agriculture. Further information about these two programs and other nutrition programs is available at the New Jersey Department of Agriculture website:
Information is also available from the New Jersey Department of Agriculture, Division of Markets, Bureau of Child Nutrition Programs, P.O. Box 334, Trenton, New Jersey 08625, Telephone: 609-984-0692, Fax: 609-984-0878.
The "Meals-on-Wheels" Program provides delivered meals for homebound seniors. Meals are also provided to seniors at different sites throughout Monmouth County. Information about these programs may be obtained by calling Interfaith Neighbors at 732-775-5155
WIC (Women, Infants and Children) is a program of the United States Department of Agriculture that serves low income, "nutritionally at risk" participants. Nutritional risk must be determined by a health professional and must be in accordance with criteria established by the WIC program. The targeted population is women who are pregnant, non-breastfeeding postpartum or breastfeeding women, infants (up to first birthday) and children up to fifth birthday.
Once determined eligible, participants may purchase supplemental nutritious foods and receive nutrition education and counseling at WIC clinics. Applicants must meet income guidelines, but persons receiving Food Stamps, Medicaid or TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) may qualify automatically. Funding for this program is limited.
Information about WIC in Monmouth County may be obtained from:
888 Main Street
Belford, NJ 07718
Telephone: 732-471-9301
Further information is available at:
Fulfill of Monmouth and Ocean Counties gathers and distributes food products. Food is distributed to food pantries, soup kitchens and residential programs. Individuals or families can access emergency food only through referral from a social service agency upon prior arrangement with the Food Bank.
The Food Bank is located at 3300 Route 66, Neptune Township, New Jersey 07753.
Telephone: 732-918-2600 Fax: 732-918-2660
Food Assistance is also available through Food Pantries provided by various community organizations. Some pantries require a formal referral from another agency. Food pantries are independent entities not affiliated with MCDSS, but who work with MCDSS to assist the public in need of food assistance. MCDSS social service staff make a limited number of referrals after carefully screening persons making a request. Contact MCDSS for further information.
Some churches or organizations provide meals to those in need on a regular basis or at special times of the year.
Lunch Break in Red Bank provides a hot lunch Monday through Friday from noon to 1 p.m. Lunch Break is located at 121 West Bergen Place, Red Bank, NJ (telephone 732-747-8577). The Lunch Break web site can be found at