County of Monmouth
Division of Social Services

"Your Needs Are Our Concern"

Services for the Disabled

Disability Services offered by the Monmouth County Division of Social Services are available to Monmouth County young adults up to the age of 55 who have a physical disability.

Disabilities may include Multiple Sclerosis, spinal cord injury, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, traumatic brain injury, amputations and cancer.

Social Workers complete home visits to evaluate and identify needed services. Workers provide information, referrals and assistance obtaining services which may include home care, financial, medical insurance (Medicare, Medicaid), medical equipment, environmental adaptations to the home, transportation, vocational, education, and recreation.

Due to the chronic and often progressive condition of the service population, cases are often long-term with the primary goal being to keep the client in the community as independent as possible for as long as possible. Ongoing emotional support to clients and families is provided along with concrete services. Often assistance with locating long term, residential care is provided when necessary.

The Disability Service Unit also administers the following programs:

  • Global Options (GO) Care Management – Provides case management arranging medical and social services to elderly and disabled persons who might otherwise require nursing home placement. GO is a Medicaid program.
  • Medical Review Team (MRT) – Prepares social assessment and obtains medical documentation for the state medical review to determine medical eligibility for individuals applying for Medicaid under the age of 65.
  • Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT). EPSDT provides comprehensive medical screening for all children whose families are new recipients of TANF and Medicaid.

The Disability Service Unit can be reached at 732-431-6000 ext. 6231.

TASP (Transitional Aftercare Services Program)

TASP provides support to individuals living in the community who have co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders. Community Support Workers provide ongoing case management to members. TASP introduces participants to self-help groups (AA, NA and Double Trouble meetings) and assist them in becoming familiar with the 12 Steps.

TASP provides recreational activities throughout the year for participants to have fun and reinforce the concept of group support. Transportation to self-help groups and recreational activities are provided. Hours of operation are from 2:00 - 10:00 PM from Monday through Friday. TASP services are available for the entire Monmouth County area.

The Arc of Monmouth

The Arc of Monmouth provides advocacy, services and supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.  The Arc of Monmouth also works to prevent the causes and effects of intellectual and developmental disabilities.  Please note that The Arc of Monmouth is a community organization and is not part of the Monmouth County Division of Social Services.  Further information about The Arc may be found at  


Case Management Services

Short-term case management is provided to adults without children and to families who are in need of assistance with finance, food, child care, medical services, housing, etc.  

Information and Referral Services               

Social Workers assist families and adults by providing information to enable them to locate needed resources.

Domestic Violence Initiative

Provides intensive social services response for victims of domestic violence Includes assistance with accessing housing and supportive services.


Provides services to people age 60+. Linkages are made for housing options, medical services, and Medicaid programs including in-home care.

Boarding Home Services

A DSS worker performs facility visits to monitor compliance with housing and personal care requirements and to investigate complaints. The Social Worker can assess the needed level of care of the resident and facilitate relocation when necessary. 

SOAR (SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access and Recovery)

DSS seeks to identify individuals who appear to be disabled and may be eligible for SSI or SSDA. A social worker provides assistance with the application process and refers to Legal Services or the Community Law Project if the initial application is denied.

Program Application Assistance

Social workers will assist homebound clients with applications for Medicaid, TANF, General Assistance and SNAP. Application assistance is also provided at community outreach sites.

School Related Programs

Social workers provide individual and group counseling at area high schools with an emphasis on building self-esteem.