County of Monmouth

For Immediate Release:
January 27, 2025

County Commissioners highlight Rumson
shared services success stories
Borough has received services since 1998

FREEHOLD, NJ – As part of their series highlighting successful shared services partnerships, the Monmouth County Board of County Commissioners would like to feature Shared Services agreements between Monmouth County and the Borough of Rumson.

The Borough of Rumson’s first agreement with the Monmouth County Office of Shared Services was the MOD IV Agreement in 1998. This agreement, guided by the Monmouth County Tax Board, offers property assessment computer services to the municipality at a reduced cost, saving taxpayer money in the process.

Municipalities in New Jersey are required to use and operate state-mandated property tax assessment software called MOD IV. Monmouth County offers this service to its municipalities, which ensures a standardized system for reporting tax information.

“With the MOD IV Agreement, the Borough of Rumson is able to reduce their costs to taxpayers by not having to acquire and perform the administration related to the software,” said Commissioner Director Thomas A. Arnone, liaison to the Monmouth County Office of Shared Services. “Monmouth County is grateful for this partnership and commends the Borough of Rumson for fully utilizing shared services offered through the County.”

“The Borough’s involvement with the Monmouth County Tax Board and the Mod IV Tax System assists Rumson’s Assessor with managing Borough tax assessments and makes updates and adjustments easier. The County’s digital tax map update process has also saved the Borough time in keeping Rumson’s tax maps up-to-date on an annual basis,” said Mayor of Rumson, Joseph Hemphill.

The Borough of Rumson also partakes in the following agreements: Municipal Assistance, Commodity Resale, Public Safety Answering Point, Community Rating System, and Shrewsbury River Automated Flood Warning.

The Monmouth County Office of Shared Services is always looking to grow and expand partnerships with local government entities through which the County provides services, equipment and resources to a local government which helps to reduce costs and increase efficiencies.

“The Shared Services team and I are available to assist municipal officials through the process of securing an agreement or answer any questions they may have. Please call 732-431-7460 or email to learn more,” said Director Arnone. “We’re eager to work alongside all our partners to continue to make Monmouth County the best place to live.”

For more information about Monmouth County Shared Services, go to

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