County of Monmouth

For Immediate Release:
January 13, 2025

County Commissioners highlight Manasquan
shared services success stories
Borough has received services since 1998

FREEHOLD, NJ – As part of their series on successful shared services partnerships, the Monmouth County Board of County Commissioners would like to highlight the Shared Services agreements between Monmouth County and the Borough of Manasquan.

The Borough of Manasquan has been utilizing shared services agreements since 1998 and has had a Community Rating System (CRS) Agreement since 2020. This agreement, guided by the Monmouth County Planning Board, offers local government entities the use of a web-based system that obtains, aggregates and provides flood hazard area information and data for municipalities.

Flood insurance policyholders participating in the CRS are eligible for discounts in Special Flood Hazard Areas based on their community’s rating. Through access to the Community Rating System, Manasquan can maintain an excellent CRS score, which has resulted in flood insurance premium discounts for its residents.

“With Monmouth County’s 27 miles of coastline, there can be a risk for flooding and the CRS provides towns like Manasquan the ability to gather information about flood hazard areas for their residents,” said Commissioner Director Thomas A. Arnone, liaison to the Monmouth County Office of Shared Services. “I’d like to thank Manasquan for being a part of our Shared Services program and encourage other towns that may be interested in the CRS to contact the Office of Shared Services.”

“Manasquan Borough is greatly appreciative of the commitment that Monmouth County has made to its Shared Services efforts and all of the resulting cost efficiency and effectiveness,” said Michael Mangan, Mayor of Manasquan.

Other shared services agreements Manasquan has with Monmouth County is Municipal Assistance, Commodity Resale, Public Safety Answering Point, Open Public Records System and MOD IV Property Assessment agreements.

“The Shared Services team and I are always available to help municipal officials with any questions or interests in any agreements. To get started or to answer any questions they may have, contact us by calling 732-431-7460 or emailing us at,” said Director Arnone. “We look forward to working with all our partners and continuing this monumental partnership.”

The Monmouth County Office of Shared Services facilitates partnerships with local government entities, such as the Borough of Manasquan, through which the County provides services, equipment and resources to a local government which helps to reduce costs and increase efficiencies.

For more information about Monmouth County Shared Services, go to

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