Immediate Release:
May 4, 2023
County provides pedestrian safety improvements on County Route 10 (Front
Street) for pedestrian crossing at Riverview Medical Center
RED BANK, NJ – The Monmouth County Board of County
Commissioners is proud to announce that the County has provided pedestrian
safety improvements on County Route 10 (Front Street) for pedestrian crossing
at Riverview Medical Center.
“Our primary concern when it comes to our roadways is
safety,” said Commissioner Director Thomas A. Arnone, liaison to the Department
of Public Works and Engineering. “Riverview Medical Center shared with me that
there was poor compliance by drivers for their employees and pedestrians in the
crosswalk so I directed the County Engineers to study the need for additional
traffic control measures to improve pedestrian and vehicular access to the
Recent enhancements included the replacement of the
pedestrian beacons with the Rapid Flash LED strobes and pedestrian signing on
both sides of the crosswalk facing both directions of travel on Front Street.
County forces also installed rumble strips and the “PED X-ING” pavement
markings in advance of the crosswalk in both directions to emphasize to drivers
they are approaching the heavily used crosswalk. The existing crosswalk
striping and left turn arrow pavement markings at Globe Court and the Medical
Center entrance were also reinstalled.
“Recent studies indicated that approximately 1,600 pedestrian
crossings occur at this location daily and the goal is that these improvements
will provide safety to both pedestrians and drivers,” said Director Arnone. “Monmouth
County Traffic Engineers will continue to study the need for additional long
term measures to further improve access to the medical facilities.”
In total, the County maintains approximately 1,000 lane
miles of roads, 980 bridges and culverts and 250 traffic signals and beacons.
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